
Arem Italia Srl guarantees that the information, which appears on the website, are correct and updated, even if we cannot rule out the possibility of errors and involuntary omissions. For this reason, just in case you have any doubts, we would like to invite you to assess the information content in the site, and relay your opinions directly to the headquarters. Arem Italia Srl is in no way responsible for the eventual use that could be made of the presented information moreover the eventual direct or indirect damage caused by its use.


Arem Italia Srl authorises the use, the reproduction and the distribution of the information contained available on its website (including the photographic material).

Return conditions

The return request must be made in writing within 7 days of the delivery date. Remember: after you have received the goods you are responsible for the condition of the products, treat them with care.
The products must be intact, not worn or stained and must be returned in the same condition in which they were delivered, complete with labels and any other completion parts.
You will receive the refund within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the return by bank transfer or credit card based on how the payment was made for the purchase.
Shipping costs are excluded from the refund.
Return shipping costs are your responsibility.
We accept returns of defective or faulty goods, we do not accept returns for incorrect orders from the buyer or for other reasons.


Arem Italia srl does not assume any responsibility for possible material created or published by third parties with which Arem Italia srl may have some sort of connection. Anyone who decides to visit a website connected in some way to Arem Italia srl does so at his own risk and responsibility, assuming all the necessary precautions and measures against virus's and other distructive elements. The connection between Arem Italia srl and any other website does not implicate that Arem Italia srl sponsors or is a branch of the entity which uses the services offered in that website.

Commercial trademarks

The trademarks and logos that appear on this site are strictly personal and non-transferable, the area is managed in full security of the protection of customer privacy and trademarks.
Each logo displayed is not for sale and it is exclusively as an example and property of the clients.
Existing customizations show our workings. If this type of advertising is not appreciated, please let us know in writing.